Turn towards one another

I love the idea of turning towards one another. I think this is so important in every marriage. I have found comfort in knowing that I can turn to my husband anytime there is a trial or even when I'm just having a bad day. I find so much love and peace knowing I have someone who cares so much about me and wants the best for me.
 D&C 64:33 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
In the book "successful marriages and families" it talks about how important it is to stay connected in the little ways. These little ways can be as simple as picking up his shoes and putting them in his closet. I have found that when I do things for my husband I feel more love for him and find myself really caring for him. I want to know more about him so that I can do more of the things that he loves.
 “Once your marriage gets set at a more positive level, it is hard to knock it off course.”

I have come to know my husband through sharing things with him and I have come to see him the way my Father in Heaven sees him as he shares things with me. There is no other person in the world I would want to confide in. I have found that when we turn towards one another in those hard times our connection and relationship and love for one another is strengthened. 
Image may contain: Gabi Voyles Holdaway and Garrison Holdaway, people smiling


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