Honoring Marital Vows with Complete Fidelity

Fidelity and physical intimacy is such a sensitive subject. It is one of those things that when brought up can make people feel uncomfortable. But, it is so important for couples to counsel together and talk about it. I have found that when my husband and I talk about these things we are happier and I can feel love for him more. I love that in the reading this week it said

 "sometimes its fun, sometimes its comforting, sometimes its romantic, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes its just a willingness to love."

 I think these words describe physical intimacy perfectly. We also learned that divorce often can occur over physical intimacy. Some of the solutions that were mention were; seek answers, communicate, and be calm and open about it. I think these are so important in every relationship. I know that when we talk about these sacred matters and communicate with our Father in Heaven about it as well that we can find joy and happiness. 

Image may contain: Gabi Voyles Holdaway and Garrison Holdaway, people smiling, people sitting and outdoor


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