Sexuality and Fertility

Marriage is essential to our Heavenly Father's eternal plan. The Family Proclamation says: 

"We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife".

It is our responsibility to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Besides that we also are commanded to become unified as husband and wife. 

"Our Heavenly Father wants our hearts to be knit together."

This is a necessary part of marriage. When we facilitate oneness in marriage we are obeying the commandments of God. Intimacy in marriage is a gift given to us from our Father in Heaven. The sacred gift of creating life as he creates life. When we facilitate this we become closer as a couple, we become one. When we are unified as a couple we become closer to God. 
Knowing and understand what is healthy and appropriate is between the two of you. It is something that requires communication and guidance. In the book "Successful Marriages and Families" it teaches how important pillow talk at the end of the day is. To me, pillow talk is when you are going to bed and you just talk. This has been one of my favorite things in marriage! My husband and I stay up for hours just talking sometimes. Those have been some of my best memories yet!  It gives us time to talk about our day and to show love for one another. That is the perfect time to talk about your goals and your expectations. Really its a time to talk about anything and everything.When it comes to sexuality and fidelity ultimately, our Father in Heaven will let us know when we are on the right path and where we need to be.

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