Come Together

As husbands and wives it is important for us to come together when it comes to making decisions. We may all come from different opinions and backgrounds but, that doesn't change the fact that a husband and wife should look to each other when it comes to making decisions. 

I think this goes back to picking a spouse that has similar goals and opinions as you in the first place. It is so important for us to be equally yoked with our spouse and that stems from being one in purpose and having the same goals. Along with that we need to set these goals early on in marriage so that when the time comes to make decisions we already know how we are going to handle the situation.
Although we all come from different backgrounds and opinions it is essential for husbands and wives to understand their roles and unity in marriage. We are meant to be equal partners. I think when a couple understand this they are able to come together and function the way God intended for a marriage to be. 

"The Family: A Proclamation to the World teaches a husband-wife concept that clearly differs from both households where this hypothetical couple grew up. It states that fathers “are to preside” and “to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families,” while mothers “are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.” Fathers and mothers are to “help one another” fulfill these duties as “equal partners.”"

My husband and I have made it a goal to pray together each night. I have noticed that when we are praying together and reading our scriptures together that those big decisions are easier to make and that The Lord is there guiding us. 
Image may contain: Gabi Voyles Holdaway and Garrison Holdaway, people smiling, wedding


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