Covenant Marriage

I love my family and want to be with them, not only for the rest of this life, but forever. This is why I have chosen to be married in the house of The Lord. The temple has given each and every one of us the opportunity to make it possible for us to be with our families forever.

"The temple is an ever present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal" (Ezra Taft Benson).

I love that I can be sealed to my husband and that our children will be sealed to us. God intended for families to be forever that's why he gave us the temple so that we can enter into those covenants. We receive peace and blessings from the temple covenants and they hold us to a higher standard. 

"When our children obey The Lord and go to the temple to receive their blessings and enter into the marriage covenant, they enter into the same order of the priesthood that God instituted in the very beginning with father Adam" (Ezra Taft Benson). 

Being in a covenant marriage I know that I can face opposition. It makes life a little easier when it comes to making big decisions because I untimely know the decision I should make. Being held to a higher standard is worth the blessings. 

I know that when I am focused on my Heavenly Father, and striving to become like him I am ultimately strengthening my relationship with my husband and we are becoming closer. I am grateful for my covenant marriage and the standards it holds me to. Marriage is not easy, but I know it is worth it. Having faith and trust in The Lord strengthens my marriage and helps me to love and serve those around me. I want everyone to have the blessings of being with their families forever, this is why I am sharing this with you! 


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